Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Mithras cult is 100% out. The starter CL couldn’t get a 2nd convert because of jail and then modkill.


I mean its theoretically possible if the action went through even though they were modkilled but I doubt it

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Mithras eraded n2.

They couldn’t n3 because I had their CL jailed.

and I doubt they did n4 as it was convert night anyways, and I don’t think mithras got a modkill convert nght

So how are you sure that they didn’t erad N1?

also derps I want to say that I was pally when I caught you.

I think italy was n2 or n4 corax.

well ofc they were, as wazza was CL and italy woulda been promoted if they were starter

I don’t belive you

N4, seeker checks type not faction.

that means you would’ve come up s/s to noble

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This is true.

Uhh, sorry to break your dreams but, Corax Cult only has 2 Erads, thus can’t gain another one back, if you read the classcard, Sacrifice doesn’t do that shit, it takes place BEFORE the next player becomes the CL, thus it does not give Erads back. Ask Solic if you don’t believe me.

I asked to be bled, figure it out, I didn’t even get a bleeding message

nah you just knew I was cult

I’m asking solic right now if CL gets erads back with the ability

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that would make the noble a member

Why? Im confused

Because he saw my redcheck with gossip.

all tele saw was I was investigated

limited feedback.


you can ask solic yourself if ya dont beleive me

yeah, its not a shared ability