Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Also Teleo, are you going to bring back one of us to help guide everything? I personally have info so it may be best to target me.

I’m generally active and obviously someone chose to kill me N1 because I’m enough of a threat when I’d already hard soft claimed a relatively weak start of game class.

I have, I’ve seen Vul in some games. I get a general gist to them, think it may be the truth.

Yes. I’m chanelling tonight. Hopefully I survive

Who, out of interest?

inb4 PKR is a disguised cultist. That would be even worse for us.
I don’t really mind whether or not I stay dead here.

I was thinking of you because you’re a vet and seem like a benefit to town, but i wanted to get a gist of who has been following along and such before I chose

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PKR I mean.

Why would I be disguised and killed N1?
That doesn’t make much sense but I do understand you being a bit cautious.

That’s the exact same thing I was thinking when people accused me of being a Cult Leader.

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Lol. Yeah that seemed like a stretch. I wonder who said that anyway? Seems kinda scummy but i guess they might just throwing ideas out there as BD

I hard townread the king btw

The thing is we had the prince revealed in this chat and that’s info we can keep secure. My plan is to make a semi-post-mortem will containing all thoughts of my fellow dead BD that I can use upon my voice being brought back.

Sounds good. Who do you think is scum at this point? Do you see a DatBird/Kai scum team?

That’s possible. I do still truly believe Ozz is scum and I’m annoyed Ozz was given leeway D2.

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Oh- I have a request. Please do explain to the living people that I am not a cultist contrary to common belief.


I shall do.

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I will try to be open minded about that even though I disagree

You disagree with?

Ozz being scum

Ah. Alright.