Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Hi Marshal :wave:

There goes BDā€™s last hope. Is it even possible to wipe out both cults with lynches if all of their converts are successful?

Yeah cuz they are gonna need to kill each other, they dont both win if bds gone

would any of you like to see my hitlist monologue

sure but if jgoes isnt number 1 after not dieing from bleed than ur objectivly wrong

It was my thoughts on coldsteel n1.

1 - Arete is currently at the top of the hitlist. They seem to be not contributing as much as they did in past games.

2 - Arete has managed to avoid being top of the hitlistā€¦ for now . Jgoesgaming seems to be in first place thanks to him liking BD most likely winning the game second.

3 - It appears as though Vulgard seems to be defending Jgoes, alongside Arete and others. I believe this is scum helping their teammate. Jgoes is still at the top of my hitlist.

4 - Iā€™ve seem to have realized maybe cold steeling n1 is a bad idea. Itā€™s giving me PTSD of EFoL 4. To be fair I wouldnā€™t have known Possessed was the only healer that could have saved me. However I have decided that I do not have a confident enough read to Cold Steel n1. I feel kinda useless having Defend useless though.

5 - Napoleon seems to be top of the hitlist for me now. The fact Jgoesgaming actually went and quoted his own posts was a bold move so iā€™ll respect it. Napoleon is currently on top of the chopping block.

Oh hi deaddies
Sorry kyo

Canā€™t talk rn but hi

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If u swapped the first two sure, otherwise its ok

Itā€™s in chronological order of my thoughts.

hello, u were a good prince other than softing to much, good job overall

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Thank god tele remembered the bleed, she needs to push that. Also if Italy or Ozz dont have a redcheck they are prob fake

For some reason I believe Italy is real this time.

it feels like VI but its so much VI that im like this feels like fake VI

Wazza what are u on man lol

wait when was Jgoes bleed? I thought I was alive for that. am i going crazy?

It was a while ago

iā€™m sheriff i can use surveillance- Vulgard

Except sheriff cant spawn, found another one


stop treating vul as almost confirmed town when theyā€™re far from it

cough COUGH cough

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vulgard was sworn fealty by the king if you didnā€™t notice

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