Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

This is how it’s gonna go best case scenario:

13 players left. - King = 12 players.

D5 = 4 Scum, 8 town, and King.
We lynch a scum optimally.
-1 scum

N5 = 3 Scum, 8 town, King.
They can’t kill or convert.

D6 = 3 Scum, 8 town, King.
-1 scum

N6 = 2 Scum, 8 town, King.
+1 scum.

D7 = 3 scum, 7 town, King.
-1 scum.

N7 = 2 scum, 7 town, King.
They can’t do anything.

D8 = 2 scum, 7 town, King.
-1 Scum.

N8 = 1 scum, 7 town, King.
+1 scum.

D9 = 2 scum, 6 town, King.
-1 scum.

N9 = 1 scum, 6 town, King.
No convert.

D10 = 1 scum, 6 town, King.
-1 Scum.

BD wins!

Oh god… it’s looking like a 10 day game.


no you





I am an oracle it was ppppppredicted


WHy do I need to put something here

/ /x

It’s a draw likely

Ye and I gotta shower so

Eh, good game

Tele plz push for a quickhammer on whoever is lynched.
I feel so lonely during the day.
No living people to talk with

but still dead and alone

also italy and ozz shoud check eachother.

One or the other would likely claim a redcheck in that scenario.

Yeah, even with CL modkilled and two cult dead and faction wiped it’s still 10day game at best. :confused:

Unless they somehow choose not to convert one of the drunks

hi wazza how r u

Hello wazza

And welcome to dead chat

Oh shoot, I died.