Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

i’ll prob toss up an interest check tonight

I will, pre-preemptively, in.

Also, tele, write this down and relay this info to the court. They don’t know that you can speak with us so this is prolly the best info you can give.

interest check thread

ETA-how long it takes me to write one

That Kai will make an interest check for a survivor-based forum?

survivor game

Not that particlarly as that might be angle-shooty(kai does something only tele BD could know)

but jujst “marshal and kai talked about survivor” is more fair

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Ah okay sure

Wait how’s soul still alive

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They decided to go for ozz
and then from ozz to kai

and then soul quickhammered kai

What’d Ozz flip

From what I remember soul has been way summer than Kai was

ozz hasent flipped.
The plan for lynch changed from ozz to kai

Oh sorry I misunderstood

oof Kai flipped V

why do you think i’m here and not ozz

I thought they lynched Ozz before you or something

But it was dumb because Ozz isn’t here

Bro I was never bled.

Yeah you were “immune” to magnuses bleed and didn’t care to check if you would see it as an immune

I did check? I literally said I asked Solic.