Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

That was the post I was referring to.

Ah yeah. Idk it seemed genuine to me, but itā€™s the first game Iā€™ve played with him. I donā€™t think waiting to see if there is an erad or not makes me stupid

I agree it was geniune. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s something scum would think they could get away with.

I donā€™t know why you are getting mad at what I said.

I was making a fucking point, if you want me to piss off for telling you that youā€™re doing shit wrong then maybe you should kindly piss off.

Ad hominem with improper grammar isnā€™t a point x

oooooh tea.

Nope, fuck this.

Lose the game for BD, I donā€™t give a shit anymore.

Heh. That just confirms youā€™re evil to me. But maybe there will be no erad tonight who knows

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

Okay, Iā€™m really out of here, I physically canā€™t be evil and you should be able to figure it out, but I just realised how much of a dumb piece of shit you are.

Youā€™re trying to make me feel bad so you can manipulate me. Sorry that I am making a logical decision and only believing you if thereā€™s no erad


I literally only show fucking normal emotions, I really canā€™t believe you are doing this right now, I never fake my emotions so I couldnā€™t give a shit about what you think. So seriously fuck off, Tele, youā€™re just pissing me off more.

Okay so I lied and told Vul I was healing Luxy so letā€™s hope Luxy doesnā€™t die tonight lmao

Thought you said I was scum, if I was scum then you canā€™t use my ability.

That is of course unless you are using Sulitā€™s ability, which I incredibly doubt you still have use to.

I can use your ability regardless if youā€™re scum or not

ā€¦No you canā€™t as they believe Iā€™m disguised Cult Leader.

(Iā€™m asking with Solic, one sec)

I asked Solic and he said I can use a disguised cultā€™s flipā€™s ability soā€¦

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Ah, nevermind.

Got a response, you can use my ability even if Iā€™m disguised CL or not.

Cool, heal whoever you want, I donā€™t know if Luxy is your best bet as thereā€™s probably better people somewhere, but I havenā€™t really been paying attention all that much after I died.

Iā€™m not Healing Luxy, but I claimed that I was. Iā€™m actually healing Jgo because idk, I trust him