Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Why was OzzKozz lynched again

apparently bountied by jgoes, and one of him and soulshade was scum

Iā€™m saying that Jgoes could be Apostle from Noble who took Bounty as a cult ability.

Can anyone else explain this to me? Iā€™m no understanding @JakeTheWolfie hereā€¦

Corax doesnā€™t get cult alts.

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Jgoes starts as Noble.

Jgoes gets converted into Corax Apostle.

Jgoes chooses bounty as a Cult ability.

Where does it say that?

de classcards dingus

Where it says CL doesnā€™t get train.

Otherwise Tele could be converted Priest who took call of the dead or whatever.

So Jgoes canā€™t be Converted noble? Or are you intentionally misinterpreting me?

What are you talking about? You said Jgoes could have been noble who took bounty as a cult ability.

And Iā€™m saying thatā€™s impossible since Apostle cannot be trained as Corax cult.

Did you intentionally miss this part right here?

No, did you intentionally miss that I didnā€™t say Jgoes wasnā€™t starting noble?
You said he picked bounty as a cult ability. Iā€™m saying thatā€™s impossible. I did not say anything about Jgoes not being starting noble.

Cult Points

Cult Points are a system for deciding what abilities you gain when you are converted to the Cult. Each ability varies in cost (though they usually cost 1 point, and you usually have 2 points) and you are able to take any ability you once had from your former class, with some exceptions. You are still limited to a maximum of two passives, two day abilities and two night abilities, including the ones from your new cult class.

For example, if you were converted from The Squire you would have 1 Cult point, and could use it to take the power Unskilled to become immune to death at night. You could instead take Coraxā€™s Guidance, an altered ability.

Cult Alts are abilities that have been altered to be balanced on a cult class. Most classes have at least one Cult Alt, and can buy it and/or normal abilities within Cult point maximum. You can not take the normal variant of an ability from your class if it has been modified to be a Cult Alt.

You were saying that I said that Jgoes was starting Cult. I didnā€™t Quote me exactly where I said that Jgoes was starting cult, and not converted.

Prove it. Look at the post that this quote is attached to:

What? Where did I say Jgoes was starting cult? You canā€™t even get cult alts on corax apostle either way since they already have two day abilities and two night ones.

How about this? Corax doesnā€™t get cult alts.

Ok. I concede then.

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This quote:

Love you, @Ami.

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Is Magnus for real?