Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

also the fact jgoes says not to claim bleeding so Kai cant reveal his bleed is even more sus, he should have been killed

“I will say that my ‘mechanical confirmation’ on Luxy is not mech confirmation in the traditional sense. By that I mean it’s not a greencheck.”- Vulgard
but claimed Phys BS

ARETE for the love of god make the connection of my class and my logs and the Alice being converted thing you just said. Sending energy that way

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Alice alive by Day 3? Lockscum.

We have two scum teams this time, unfortunately that won’t work.
-Wazza why not FOS

I swear to God if they lynch Kai. And I swear even more if they dont wait for the two invests first. Jgoes is still lockscum to me. Guess I was wrong on his teammate. Sorry @JakeTheWolfie

I think its option A

Ghost slaps Wazza
I know u Baka!

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OFC a smite the night he gets sent to jgoes OFC


oh wait im already dead

also the reaon itstill say defeat unseen for Paladin and vice versa for Sheriff is because multiballs with both. 4head u alive people

Throwing out a guess Luxy is the mystic and contacted Vulgard N1 and then conduited him and Tele N1

Also btw I know my check is without a doubt T v S since I asked and was told two seperate team cults would appear to be on the same team

@Solic yo game sucks ass if this is true

why does it suck?

at least explain it rather than just saying it sucks for no reason. I personally really enjoyed the setup

Ah yes, the Coraxites And The Mithrites both can win together

They cant but for a maid check they come up as general cult. It makes sense for multiball

So if you matched Unseen with cult, it would match?

Im pretty sure yes

Mechanical questions go in classcards.

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game makes perfret sent