Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

We need Tele apparel

Tele shirts

Tele hats

Tele tattoos


Tele Artwork

Ok so let me go down the list

  1. Marshal- hasnt claimed but 90% prince
  2. SoulShade55r- drunk claimed to send pal to Jgoes
  3. Alice- hasnt claimed but 90% Obs claim
  4. Datbird - Died Night 2 - The Maid
  5. JakeTheWolfie - Lynched Day 2 - The Knight
  6. Kai_5- hunter
  7. Napoleon- hasnt claimed
  8. Arete- hasnt claimed
  9. Luxy- Mystic
  10. SirDerpsAlot- hasnt claimed
  11. Sulit - Died Night 1 - The Physician
  12. KyoDaz - Died Night 1 - The Knight
  13. Italy- Pally who smited
  14. WazzaAzza- Phys
  15. Jgoesgaming- Hasnt claimed
  16. Vulgard- Phys
  17. Centuries :crown: - Prob GK based on marshal interactions
  19. PokemonKidRyan - Died Night 1 - The Noble :ghost:
  20. Magnus- Hunter
  21. OzzKozz- Pally
  22. H_Hja- Said drunk day 1 but could have been a joke but who knows no claim

Other than phys protection by healing we dont have much protection for Tele tonight. Hopefully one of them non claimers can help as for us. She cant use Jakes or Kyos ability since hes a killer, Mine is useless since you would need two maids i think, and cant use PKRs since he was brought back. Her best bet is to heal someone else tonight, unless she can self heal. I gotta reread the priest card

Defending themselves based on term usage. Hang them :smiley:

not sure I trust Hjas N1 but it makes sense with her lack of pushing me D2, other than when I pushed her

:hmm: Ah yes, enslaved IQ

:princess: wtf is this

Does Italy not realize 22 people are not all alive anymore?

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22 = 1 King, 2 CCult, 2 MCult, 17 BD

17 BD - 4 BD (Deaths) = 13 BD

13 BD - 3 Converts (give or take) = 10 BD

2 MCult + 2 converts = 4 MCult (Max?)

2 CCult + 1 Convert = 3 CCult

10 BD + 1 King + 3 CCult + 4 MCult = 18

Yes, cfd onto Alice, do it. Go Luxy

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Still has vote on Alice. lol.

Good job Tele u got our energy telling u to vote Alice. Even though I dont think u voted her

Tbh, I thought that but when he said “check me tonight” I eliminated him from my Prince PoE as no Prince asks to be checked by a Paladin.

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@Teleology were u conduited again. Like even though my check is gone. It prob be good if Luxy let the dead talk to others again to brainstorm

Who was left in ur prince POE?

You looked pretty Prince-like since you were pretty skeptical of Kyo. Luxy and Vul were TR’ing Kyo so they wouldn’t be the ones who killed them. Italy/Ozz/Magnus claimed for no reason and Derps’ soft points to him being a Phys rather than a Prince, Tele was a Priest claim. Most of the players were off it one way or another. Point is, not many people were in it.

was I killed by yall or Corax?

Us because you were in my Prince PoE.

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