@FadeBlade When you asked if you could make edits I thought you meant for your games
These seem fine but please specify in the future
@Queen_Alfa suddenly drop dead, it’s more fun that way
@FadeBlade When you asked if you could make edits I thought you meant for your games
These seem fine but please specify in the future
@Queen_Alfa suddenly drop dead, it’s more fun that way
Change Log 1
Gave each power passive night and day.
reworked most night powers with jammys approval of course so they would fit with the fourm nature
I only made it better
Yes, that’s true, I’m just saying for the future
I don’t think anything else is gonna need to be changed
Marking for death will make Reaper really UP
What edits did you make @FadeBlade?
For example, I immediately notice the Butler buff.
it was shown on the wiki butler had that power but not on the forum games. I also changed up how people like noble physic and prince talk with each other to make it more easy for a forum type game.
and of course add day night and passive to make it more easy to know when your would use a power
Giving the prince the ability to also talk is a pretty big buff tbh. We’ll see how that plays out.
the prince can talk in the real game why not here?
ToL balance is different from FoL balance
Reaper is a case in point
How so
The Reaper has a vastly lower killing potential than the Possessor, to the point where it is significantly weaker and not better at all.
##Announcement: Reaper is ded
we already knew that. reaper was always dead
Thank God. If I get some free time at some point maybe I’ll draw up a replacement.
Classes from Class Suggestions that could work in FoL(in my opinion):
Edit: Links Added
Cards will be made at some point
##The Acolyte
Cult Something(Special?)
Secrecy (Day) - Your accusations are hidden today and done through the host - 2 Uses
Pass Note (Day) - Whisper anonymously - 2 Uses
Disguise (Night) - Make another player appear as a specified class if they die - 3 Uses
Retrain - Make a Cult Player besides the Cult Leader into a different Cult Class - 1 Use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you
##The Electricutioner
Neutral Killer
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to somebody. This person will die if they come into contact with another charged person or if they are charged a second time.
Electric Discharge (Passive) - You are permanently charged
Electric Field (Passive) - You are immune at night(you also don’t die if someone you charge visits you)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Black Rose, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way
##The Squire
Blue Dragon Support
Train (Night) - Take the class of a deceased Blue Dragon player
Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune at night
Your objective is to Eliminate the Black Rose, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you
##The Page
Black Rose Support
Train (Night) - Take the Black Rose equivalent class of a deceased player, if they have one
Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune at night
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you
##The Greedy
Neutral Offensive
Treason Rights (Passive) - Your vote secretly counts as 2 against the king
Bribe (Night) - You control your target’s vote tomorrow
Your objective is to become the King
##The King
Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a new King will arise
The Royal Finger (Day) - Your vote for today counts as 2 votes - 1 Day Cooldown
Decide Fate (Day) - You may change the result of a trial - 1 Use
Guard! (Night) - You will not die tonight - 2 Uses
Assist (Night) - Choose a player, they will not die tonight, this expends a use of “Guard!”
You have already won, you greedy bastard
##The Serpent
Neutral Wildcard
Venomous (Passive) - You are immune at night
Swapsies (Night) - Secretly swap places with your target - 2 Uses
Your objective is to see your target executed for treason, your target is [x], if you cannot achieve this, you will win if the Blue Dragon falls while you are alive
Wait, where did those roles come from?