Unique Blue dragon support
Passive ability 1:key holder, not prevented on jailed targets
Passive ability 2:?, knows who is jailed every night
Day ability 1
Trapdoor:Places a trap on a target, when target uses Day ability it traps them, only restring ability to vote, target will be jailed thenight they are trapped (2 uses)
Day ability 2
Tunnels:Chooses if target can talk to other jailed and prince or not, prince switches between 2 like mystic if ladder(infinite uses)
Night ability 1
Assisted execution:execute one of the jailed targets, if used when prince exes then prince retains use.(1 use)(available night 3)
Night ability 2
Rearm Trap:adds one use to trap
I kinda made this to be a prince helper, as with trap prince can get 2 people jailed at once and kinda gets an extra exe
Also this is the first thing I made so mistakes were likely made. Sorry
I also can’t really think of a name for second ability