Agent of Light (Blue Dragon Offensive)
Converted class:Agent of Darkness
Passive Ability 1:
Protection of Light(Passive) You are under the protection of Light. No member of another faction may convert, occupy or kill you at night unless you are under the Curse of Distrust. This does not include poison, bleeding and public execution.
Passive Ability 2:
Curse of Distrust(Passive) If anyone used an offensive, converting or killing action on you then the Curse of Distrust will be activated for the next day and night.
Day Ability 2:
Curse of Light(unlimited Uses): Any ability of an enemy targeting you tonight that is thwarted by Protection of Light after Night 1 gets a cumulative cooldown of two days, permanently.
Day Ability 1:
Power of Light(1 use):Instantly deactivate Curse of Distrust and be conversion immune for the next two days and nights. The Curse of Light expands to all abilities targeting you this day and night, even if they are sucessful.
sorry, nothing yet
Conversion role(no matter the converting faction, this is the convert):
Agent of Darkness(Unseen Killer/Cult Killer/whatever Killer)
Day Ability 1 :Presence of Darkness(Unlimited Uses):Your presence will be noticed publicly every day. This is used automatically at the end of the day, if possible.
Day Ability 2: Hiding Darkness(1 Use) Your presence will be concealed today. Cannot be used the day after conversion.
Passive 1:Blessing of Darkness: The cooldown of all Night abilities of your faction is removed.
Passive Ability:No demotions:You will not replace anyone(Mastermind, Assassin, Cult Leader)
Night Ability:Unlimited Uses:Deadly Darkness: Kill target enemy, ignoring Occupation(not redirection!), healing and immunities.
Comment: This role needs to be disposed off very very quickly. Its continued presence is a death gurantee for every other faction. The Blue Dragon should avoid this from happening at nearly all costs.