Every class is sometimes occupy immune
Is that fringe scenario of being occupied three times really that important to list?
Also physicians, CW’s ect are nowhere on the list
It’s mostly because I don’t know the priority of phys/chrono.
However, I did neglect to mention CW tornado. That has highest priority.
This issue is the same when having two mercs in a game.
Also the entire thing is still BS because RNG
This issue is not the same. In both situations all targeters are prevented
Meaning no conflict
But it’s the same issue in that one gets screwed over. And no issue has been drawn toward that one interaction.
And even then, pity converts work the exact same way
I fail to see the real problem considering the numerous instances of it in the game
First of all. I have issues against these interactions in general. Especially because most of them have a perfectly consistent resolution method which resolve them both at the same time and thus prevent both of them and thus fail to prevent anyone else
Pity converts are a complicated exception (mostly because they happen before anything resolves anyways)
Most of the other situations are both fringe and low impact
Night kills are not low impact and multiple classes getting the same idea for the same reason is not fringe
And none of this sovles the swing problem because it STILL randomly kills the MM a lot
AND it is perfectly possible to build an ability like this without even having to get into priority’s
In fact now it is even more swingy because it went from
Nothing < — > Killing Unknown MM
Killing Last healer or something < — > Killing Unknown MM
It just said attack with no mention of night immunity bypass. But I digress.
How about I completely change the ability.
Whereas Knight is BG with minor Vig capability and Hunter is Vet with minor vig capability, Centurion is full Vig, with the potential of killing two scum within in a day/night cycle, but with high risk.
Does that seems fair?
It does
I was referring to this version of it
Knight has a MAJOR vig capability.
CS is unlimited use you realize
Knight only ends up using CS in a typical match once or twice