First Born - Blue Dragon Special
Passive 1: Personal guard - Night immune once. You keep this passive if converted.
Passive 2: Pure Blood - You can step up to be king. If you become king You will have the abilitys of the starting King
Night Ability: Loyal - If someone tries to convert you it will fail. They will think it succeeded (2 uses)
Heir - Unknown Special(converted First born for both cult and unseen)
Passive 1: Monitored - You do not meet with the other evils and you don’t know who they are. You do not count towards the maximum unseen.
Passive 2: Pure blood - You can step up to be king. If you become king You will have the abilitys of the starting King
Day Ability: Clear mind - Appear as the First born to investigative classes tomorrow (3 uses)
Night Ability: Ally’s: Check to see if your target is the same faction as you (Unlimited)
Now for the starting king suggestion worthy of his Specialness. Everything but the night Ability’s is the same
Night Ability 1: Defend! - Give someone night Immunity. Does not consume a use if they are not attacked. Can target self. (2 uses)
Night Ability 2: Recruit! - If your target is convertable and not unique they will learn your faction and be converted depending on your faction. Does not consume a use if it fails. Evils are all not convertable. (1 use)
BD convert - Knight with convert Immunity
Neutral King - Merc auto contracted to you with convert Immunity
Unseen/Cult - Advisor
Advisor - Unknown Special (Is unseen/cult depending on what is in the game)
Passive 1: Knowledgeable - You are immune to attacks from the Unseen/Cult
Passive 2: Direct line - You have a night chat with the king as long as he is evil
Day Ability: Signal - The king will know who you signaled
Night Ability: Inspect - learn If the target is evil