The (new name required)
Passive:night immune once
Passive #2-resistance of wine
Day ability-disguise(infinite or 5 uses)
Description-makes you look/act (choose one of those words or choose a better one) like the disguised player, causing different investigative results to appear for the night.
Night abilities
- makeup-makes you perform the main action of the disguised player.(requires use of disguise)(shows a box of numbers of players.)(this wont change the target of the mercrenary-you only …waste a use?)
(Since it will be too op, the ability will fail when you disguise as all specials.)
props (4 uses)-try to make items of a player’s house by learning what they have.
Notification examples-
1 Your target has keys to a jail.
2 Your target has a case of wine glasses.
3 Your target owns a wolf.
4 Your target wears a cloak. -
Resemble-gives you the role of the disguised player.
Win condition: Depends on what role you choose.
Neutral Support(since you do the ability using makeup, you are indirectly doing the player’s actions.)
Name suggestions?