Duke - Neutral Offensive
Passive - Rally Allies
You will be able to talk to the King at night.
Passive - Commander
If you step up to be King you will be aligned with whatever the Original King was.
Day Ability 1:
Royal Announcement
Reveal the King’s alignment to everyone. Not usable until Day 4. - 1 use
Comment: This could be extremely powerful but if you reveal a Evil King that could be bad into your favor so you have to be very careful when using this.
Day Ability 2 (Optional):
Bribe someone forcing them to guard the King and occupying them. If the target is occupy immune they will not guard the King. - 3 Uses
Comment: Useful when the King is using Allies or has ran out of guards.
Night Ability 1:
Blood Transfusion
Transfuse two people’s blood. If one of them had Royal Blood the other now has it and the person previously with Royal Blood no longer does. You are able to transfuse yourself. - 2 Uses
Comment: This could be useful if the Original King dies.
Night Ability 2:
The King can use two Day Abilities tomorrow.
Comment: The amount of times I’m Evil King and are against 2 confirmed people is outstanding. This could win it for the King. Also, the King can use Royal Finger twice.
Doubt this role will get a lot of support and I am not good at writing lore so if someone else wants to then I would be very grateful!
Win Condition:
Ensure the Original King survives. If the Original King dies you must be crowned next or you lose.