Oh goodness.
The new Noble is almost game-breakingly intrusive. What was even the point of giving players private notes if they’re still forced to keep one claim (and only one claim) in their will? Why even bother? Snoop on a BD class is kind of ridiculous, especially one that isn’t even investigative.
Now, I’ve made suggestions for both the Priest and the Noble before, but it turns out that people really like Maid Spy. I don’t like it at all, but as long as you can’t spy on the King, I can definitely live with it. And so, I figured I might as well figure out a way to appease pretty much everybody.
Here’s my basic idea for improving the vote-control Noble variant that was the cleanest the game has yet seen. Linked below, you will find my Priest suggestion, which includes a renamed Maid Spy. I think this has a lot of potential to fix a bunch of issues in one go, so please let me know what you think of both of these suggestions. Thanks.
Blue Dragon Social
Espionage (Passive) - You see all votes cast in real-time during a trial or election.
Bureaucracy (Passive) - You are able to use more than one day ability on any given day, and may use the same ability multiple times.
Political Pressure (Day) - Force a player to accuse the same person as you for the rest of the day - 3 uses
Pull Rank (Day) - An extra vote will be added to your vote for execution or pardon - 3 uses
Royal Decree (Night) - Make a player immune to accusations the next day - 3 uses
Order (Night) - Negate the votes of a target player the next day - 3 uses
Unseen Social
Espionage (Passive) - You see all votes cast in real-time during a trial or election.
Bureaucracy (Passive) - You are able to use more than one day ability on any given day, and may use the same ability multiple times.
Political Pressure (Day) - Force a player to accuse the same person as you for the rest of the day - 3 uses
Pull Rank (Day) - An extra vote will be added to your vote for execution or pardon - 3 uses
Royal Decree (Night) - Make a player immune to accusations the next day - 3 uses
Order (Night) - Negate the votes of a target player the next day - 3 uses
Priest and Heretic
Points of potential improvement:
-This will be really strong, and will probably need to be nerfed eventually. However, this is necessary at first to quell excessive complaints of the Noble being “underpowered”.
-Noble is no longer Royal. However, nobility in general is not usually royalty, and with so many Royal Blood classes I think we can afford to drop Noble from their ranks. If for some reason it is necessary that the Noble have Royal Blood, just fold Espionage into Bureaucracy.
-It may be best to replace order removing a player’s ability to vote with giving the target a vote that counts for twice as much. Let me know if you agree in the poll below.
-Open to further suggestions/improvements. Don’t be afraid to be harsh!