Blue Dragon Killer
Passive: Devout - You gain any passives that the confessed player hadNight Ability 1: Confessions - Kill target player if they have performed a negative action or betrayed anyone. (Anyone who has been converted, occupied anyone, redirected anyone, framed, mind warped ect. Converting does not count. Preventing does not count). Counts as a regular attack. Gets disabled after you have successfully killed someone once. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Soulbind - Use the primary ability of the person you killed. If they were converted you use the ability of their original class. (unlimited)
Unseen Offensive
Night Ability 1: Collect Soul - If target player dies you will get their soul. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Unleash Soul - You may use the primary night ability of any dead player who’s soul you have collected. (Unlimited 1 day cooldown)