[Class Suggestion] Templar and Rebel Mage (Neutral cat'n'mouse)

Templar - Neutral Investigative

Passive 1 - Mortal enemies
You won’t win if the Rebel Mage is still alive.

Passive 2 - Holy blessing
Death Immune at night.

Night Ability 1 - Find Source
Check for sources of magic.

Night Ability 2 - Make Tranquill (3 uses)
If your target is a wielder of magic, they will die. Their body will stay alive for 1/2 days, and cannot be resurrected by Priest.
If target is not a magic wielder, you’ll lose 1 use of this ability, and no one will die.

Win with anyone as long as the Rebel Mage is dead

Rebel Mage - Neutral Killer

Passive 1 - Magical protection
Immune to death at night, except for Templar’s Make Tranquill.
Also immune to occupy.

Day Ability 1 - Magify (3 uses)
Place a limited source of magic on your target. They will appear as a Magic Wielder to Templar this night.

Night Ability 1 - Magic projectile
Kill your target.

Night Ability 2 - Blood Magic (3 uses) (inaccesible before Night 5)
Kill your target and anyone visiting, piercing all immunities.

Live long enough to see everyone die. (Alternatively make him able to win with unseen/other neutral killers too, but might be too OP)

One cannot spawn without the other one spawning too.

What counts as Sources of Magic?
Rebel Mage, Court Wizard, Psychic, Priest, converted forms of the BD classes, the entire cult, Possessor (?)
(potentially more/less. Whatever it takes to make “find sources of magic” a not-so-OP investigation method)

Idea of these classes
Cat and Mouse game that goes on in the background, except the Cat and the Mouse can really mess things up for BD, Unseen, Cult and Neutrals.

Templar is a true neutral, and can benefit both BD and evils with his presence. Voting power, ability to find strong BD classes and the entirity of Cult.
You’d want to try and find Rebel Mage quickly before he gets access to Blood Magic, cause then he can kill you.

Rebel Mage is supposed to be a big threat that you don’t want alive. Yet he’s difficult to catch, and can dish out a lot of damage if lucky enough.
As Rebel Mage you need to be careful about outing yourself until Templar and Prince is dead

They need a lot of work before they can work propely, but it’s a thing I guess shrug.

Also totally didn’t steal the idea from multiple people and sources, hahahah… hah :smiley:
Dragon Age, discussions with boslof, uhhhh

Doubt they want sued by the dragon age people.

Dragon Age did not invent the concept of Mages or Templars

No, but mages vs templars it pretty much did, also Tranquil. Find another series where “Templars” are anti magic knights who exist to hunt down mages, and mages are turned into a thing called “Tranquil” The closest I can find is Wheel of Time, where rogue casters were “Gentled” when captured. Im not against the concept, but at least have the decency to file off the serial numbers. Least thats my take.

Edit: Also the OP even mentions Dragon Age. Im merely suggesting the names be changed if such a thing were added.

Well, you can easily change the names to “Witch hunter” and “Sorcerer” or something like that, and edit the ability names and passives.
But the concept is what matters!

Yeah, thatd be fine, I just didn’t want to see anyone getting an angry letter from lawyers, that’s all.
