The Armorer
Blue Dragon Support
Passive (Armored) - Immune to death once, but you will not be notified when you are attacked. (Note: The attacker will get the target immune message. This is to make it a easier class to fake claim).
Day Ability (Encourage) - Make a target of choice immune to occupation and redirection for the night. 3 uses.
Day Ability (Forge) - Create a set of armor for use during the night. Infinite Uses. 1 day cooldown.
Night Ability (Gear Up) - Place a set of armor on a player. The armor breaks if the player is attacked or if they survive 3 nights without being attacked. The armor does not stop order execution, day trials, empowered reaps, prince execution, and similar abilitys. (Note: Armor is not able to be placed on yourself. If an attacker attacks an armored player, they will get the target immune message. The victim and the armorer will not be notified) 1 starting use. Additional uses are gained from Forge.
The Manufacturer
Unseen Offensive
Passive (Armored) - Immune to death once, but you will not be notified when you are attacked. This passive is not retained if you become the assassin. If you lost your armor before you were converted, you will not get it back as a manufacturer.
Day Ability (Inspirit) - Make a target of choice appear to be immune to occupation and redirection for the night when occupation or redirection is attempted on them. They will not be occupation or redirection immune. 2 uses.
Day Ability (Contrive) - Create a suit of spike armor for use at night. Infinite Uses. 1 day cooldown
Night Ability (Fortify) - Make the assassin immune to death, occupation, and redirection tonight. They will not appear immune. They will be notified if occupation or redirection is attempted. 2 uses.
Night Ability (Brace) - Place a suit of spike armor on a player. The armor will break after 3 days or if the player is visited once. When the visitor visits the target for the first time, both the visitor and the target will be occupied. Bypasses occupation immunity. Note :If the armor is placed on an unseen member, they will not get occupied when visited. You are unable to place it on yourself. 1 starting use, uses are gained from Contrive.
This was my first post of this website and my first attempt at creating a class. If it sucks or if there is any errors in spelling or grammar, I’m sorry. Suggestions for changes are always welcome.
EDIT SUMMARY: I removed the manufacturers “secure” ability, (you can read what it was above in the replys), removed a use of inspirit, and added 2 new ablitys: contrive and brace. I also made manufacturer a offensive instead of a support, and im still thinking about a name change. If these were bad changes, let me know and I can reverse them. This change was to make manufacturer seem more like armorer, cause before that had few similar abilitys.