Now this Arsonist is mostly (Cooldown on ignite is a nerf) a buffed ToS arsonist, but it still has it’s major flaw that makes it underpowered, and that flaw is his inability to kill fast enough, as I stated beforehand, especially in the lategame if you don’t have anyone doused. Once you get to the lategame, if you don’t any/very few people doused, it’s a game of luck whether you win or not with the odds stacking against you as time goes on. (Then again, this is almost every NK except Sorcerer, who mainly has trouble in the earlygame)
The Arsonist you’re proposing will especially have issues during this time, seeing as Ignite has a 2 day cooldown. If I was playing this Arsonist, keeping people doused as the nights go on and people die/get converted would be very troublesome. If you don’t ignite until the lategame, most of your doused targets will probably be dead and the day after you will probably be executed by the majority. However, if you ignite in the earlygame, you have to deal with Ignite’s 2 day cooldown, which will severely slow down your killing speed.
I’d be all for Arsonist if there was a simple solution to its very slow killing speed that would balance this class without completely reworking it.