Hopefully I did this in the right format.
The Chef
Blue Dragon OffensiveGrumpy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
Stubborn (Passive) - Death immune once.
Snack (Day) - Give a player a snack, disabling their day abilities. (2 uses)
Supper (Night) - Serve a meal to a player, making anything targeting them target you instead. You will be conversion immune for the night. (2 uses)
Prepare Food (Night) - Add a use to Supper. (Infinite uses)
The Butcher
Unseen OffensiveGrumpy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
Obstinate (Passive) - Immune to an attack from Cold Steel once.
Appetizer (Day) - Give a player an appetizer, disabling their day abilities. (Infinite uses)
Forcefeed (Night) - Serve a meal to a player, making any non-attacks targeting them target you instead. You will appear not suspicious to investigative abilities redirected to you in this way. (2 uses)
Slaughter (Night) - Target two players. If the first player visits the second, you will attack the first player. (1 use)
I’m a little unsure about Slaughter, so if you guys have any better ideas for that ability, please tell me.