[Class Suggestion] The Chef/Butcher

Hopefully I did this in the right format.

The Chef
Blue Dragon Offensive

Grumpy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.

Stubborn (Passive) - Death immune once.

Snack (Day) - Give a player a snack, disabling their day abilities. (2 uses)

Supper (Night) - Serve a meal to a player, making anything targeting them target you instead. You will be conversion immune for the night. (2 uses)

Prepare Food (Night) - Add a use to Supper. (Infinite uses)

The Butcher
Unseen Offensive

Grumpy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.

Obstinate (Passive) - Immune to an attack from Cold Steel once.

Appetizer (Day) - Give a player an appetizer, disabling their day abilities. (Infinite uses)

Forcefeed (Night) - Serve a meal to a player, making any non-attacks targeting them target you instead. You will appear not suspicious to investigative abilities redirected to you in this way. (2 uses)

Slaughter (Night) - Target two players. If the first player visits the second, you will attack the first player. (1 use)

I’m a little unsure about Slaughter, so if you guys have any better ideas for that ability, please tell me.


Lets start from beginning,
Format is alright besides “Unseen Offensive” not being in right color.

Useless for Blue Dragon. They can only turn into King who can’t be occupied anyway,

What this suppose to mean?

This quite strong if you ask me. Even though he has many uses on start.

This is Overpowered for typical Unseen. Only Mastermind deserves to be night immune.

How this exactly works? RNG or there is actual rule regarding who is going to attack?

Frick you beat me to it

G-Gordon Ramsay? Is that you?

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How about

Slaughter (Night): Target two players. If the first player visits the second, you will attack them(the first player), bypassing healing. [Infinite]

Maybe too op? It does give them the potential to have more KPN if they are smart…
Gain another use of force feed if you successfully kill someone

Also nerf force-feed to 1 or 2 uses and probably remove the “appear as to checks” also move it to the secondary ability

There used to be a phase where if you were converted to assassin/CL as butler/drunk you got found it because you lose your occupy immunity

Butler still loses occupy immunity but drunk doesn’t anymore

Yes, Chef. Thank you, Chef.

You’re welcome, Salty Moderator