The Dancer
Blue DragonSupport
Passive (Dancing Shoes) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Will keep this Passive even if you class changes.
Day Ability (Dance Lessons) - You will be immune to all attacks tonight.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Teaching Dance Lessons) - All attacks to target player shall be prevented. Instead all visits to you shall also be done to your target player as well.(Infinite Uses ~ See Mechanics)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.
The Ballerina
Unseen Offensive
Passive (Dancing Shoes) - Immune to occupation and redirection. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
Day Ability (Dance Lessons) - You shall be immune to all attacks tonight.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Teaching Dance Lessons) - Targeted player’s abilities will fail tonight. It will look like it’s “Prevented”.(Unlimited Uses - It’s not occupation , pseduo prevention.)
Night Ability (Redirected Dance) - Targeted player will believe they were redirected to this player when they weren’t.(3 Uses - No ability gets prevented , they get a message like “You were forced to Investigative X” - Bypasses Redirection Immunity)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.
The most useful ability in The Dancer’s kit is “Teaching Dance Lessons”. So this will be dedicated to explain how that works. The most important thing is that : “Negative & Positive effect go to the Dancer and the Target”
Situation 1 - Let’s say a Princess/Sheriff/Pally/Observer investigates/follows you. They will instead get your target’s results without them knowing you redirected them to him/her. (This is why this Bypasses Redirection Immunity. ~ Works on all Investigative Abilities - Doesn’t tell them they were “Redirected”)
Situation 2 - You’re basically a knight. You prevent attacks and don’t die when you successfully do so. So if you get healed , you make a healing circle(of 2 people) with the person you selected.
Situation 3 - If you get attacked and die as The Dancer when you’ve selected someone , your target dies as well.
Situation 4 - Ahh , conversions! If The Mastermind/The Cult Leader tries to convert you or your target , you will get converted instead.(Doesn’t matter if there are still spaces for conversions.)
Situation 5 - The Good Ol’ Might Possessor! When using “Puppet String” , both The Dancer and their target will visit the second target the the Possessor Selected. If you decide to “Possess” either The Dancer or their target , The Possessor will jump into The Dancer’s body and will kill the target.
Situation 6 - The Circle of Death now will kill all players visiting either The Dancer or their Target.
Situation 7 - Reaper game! Now you may think : “What can I do to prevent my target from dying?” Stack up on “Dance Lessons” or The Reaper will Reap 2 players! (Reap will count as a Negative Effect)