The Detective
Passive 1;
Known Criminals - You are death immune once
Day ability 1;
Keeping notes - Select a player, If your target can attack someone, then prevent them tonight and kill them [2 uses]”
Day ability 2;
Inspired - Your next attack will go through death Immunity [2 uses]
Night ability 1;
Quick Hunch - Select a player, Find out if they have attacked someone before or is attacking someone tonight. It will say they attacked someone even if the attack failed to kill. You will also prevent any invest classes from visiting this target_[unlimited uses]_Night ability 2;
Personal Business - Attack a player that you have found who attacked someone else [unlimited uses]
Win Con - Kill 2 player that have successfully killed another player
This is a small take on Inqu and Pretender class put together, i think this makes a fun class because you have the option of working with BD but you can also go on your own. Your main target target may be the assassin or CL but you can also kill the Prince,Knight,Hunter, Chrono, Inqu, and Nk if youre lucky to find them. This class could be a really fun to work with and have in game.
Questions that you could answer for this class:
1 - will this be a good class to play along with in the game?
2 - will you have fun playing this class?
3 - do you think this class is too overpowered or too underpowered?
4 - do you think this class will change the game in a positive or negative way?