The Falconer
Blue Dragon Investigative
Passive (Focused) - You are immune to abilities that may give your false results (ex. Mind Warp), and are immune to all types of redirection (including court wizard’s tornado).
Day Ability (Perch) - Assign a player to your falcon. On the first night, you will be notified of who they visited. On the second night, you will be notified of their class type down to 3 options. On the third night, you will be notified of their faction. On the fourth night and onward you will be notified of who they visited on who visited them. One falcon. Switching the falcon to another player will result in a night count reset. Select yourself to not use the falcon at all until it is moved onto another player
Day Ability (Recall) - Select a player. At the start of the next night you will be notified if that player used any day abilities on the day of use. 2 uses.
Night Ability (Check Blood) - Your falcon will nick the target players finger, and you will learn what kind of passive they have. (The possible option for this are: Royal Blood - Occupation/Redirection Immunity - Poison/Bleed Immunity (this will show if the player is inoculated) - Death immunity/“Armored”/No passive - Other) If the selected player falls under two of the possible passive types, the type shown to the falconer will be random. If a class has a subtype of one of these (ex. Inquisitor’s immunity to death, but only once), it will appear as Other. 2 uses.
Night Ability (Check Skill) - Select a player. You will be notified if they have any passives or not. Infinite Uses.
The Hawker
Unseen Investigative
Day Ability (Hawk) - Have your hawk watch over the unseen tonight. All of the unseen will be notified of who visited any of them next day. All of the unseen will appear to be not suspicious to the sheriff. 1 use.
Night Ability (Check Mastery) - You will be notified of how many passives the player has and what each passive type each one is. Refer to the Check Blood ability for the possible passive type options. 2 uses.
Night Ability (Stalk) - If the target player has 2 passives, learn their exact class. If they have 0 or 1, learn their class type. 2 uses.
Hey! This is my third post on this forum. Tell me if you liked the idea and how I should change it for the better. Thanks!