The Gardener
Neutral Social
Passive (Nature’s Shield) - Prevents visits at night when you use one of your Night Abilities.
Day Ability (Magic Beanstalk) - When the targeted player uses a day ability , it backfires and they target themselves. - 3 Uses(May not target The King.)
Night Ability (From The Ground) - Select a player. That Player won’t be able to talk or vote during the next day.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Mother Nature) - Select a player. You will be able to talk as them and vote in their place the next day.(2 Uses - The Selected Player will not see your talk.)
The Botanist
Unseen Social
Passive (Tree Shadow) - While alive , your Unseen members will appear as not suspicious to The Sheriff.
Day Ability (Treachery From The Willow) - When the targeted player investigates someone , they will receive incorrect feedback. - 3 Uses
Night Ability (Flower Power) - Select a player. Any abilities against that player will target instead random players.(2 Uses - CAN Target The King)
Night Ability (Disloyal Until The End) - Your Vote will count as many times as there are Unseen dead. If Nobody is executed the next day , you will gain Death Immunity the next night.(1 Use)