The Maid
Blue Dragon Social
Dutiful(Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing.
Coffee Time(Day ability) - Adds 40 more seconds to the day-time clock and removes the Reaper’s Chill(1 use)
Cleaning Time(Night ability) - Target a player, if your target gets attacked, you will learn the faction of the attacker. If your target gets a conversion attempt, you will know of the attempt.(Infinite Uses)(Cannot use on the same target 2 nights in a row)
The Cleaner
Unseen Support
Dutiful(Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing.
Coffee Time(Day ability) - Adds 40 more seconds to the day-time clock and removes the Reaper’s Chill(1 use)
Tea Time(Day ability) - Removes 25 seconds of the day-time clock.(1 use)(Will go straight to night when there’s only 25 or less seconds left already)
Expert Cleaning(Night Ability) - Follow the Assassin, if his target dies tonight, you will erase their Journal.(3 Uses)
I always thought that a class that can mess up with the day-time can be a challenging and fun class to play as and against.
The BD night ability can use some work, but as of now I couldn’t think of a better ability to use there. Let me know if you have better suggestions.