Why r they fighting?
Because I’ve seen them have at least 3 feuds about classes. And I need more violence.
I feud with everyone, though.
I’ll bet 100 on sarun
No idea, some people like to force things for entertainment I guess?
Like classes.
Sorry but if we start pretending that abilitys that point out public information are good then we will have basically citizens and pretend it’s fine.
Wouldn’t they tie?
Roll 1d6?
There we go
Wait no. 1d1
Speed is the tiebreaker. Second one to roll wins in a tie
Tbh, this isn’t exactly a citizen. The problem I have here is that anything the Philanderer can do the Observer can do better, except the day ability, which is an all-or-nothing with a toxic effect as in it downright shuts down Unseen/Cult night chat. Overall it needs to receive buffs as it’s basically a poor man’s Observer with a redundant passive.
Actually the observer can do the oneshot better too.
Window peak
Having a basic ability that compiles information plus abilities that let you check specific things is more than a vanilla townie. It’s not as powerful as an Investigative class, but it doesn’t have to be. As a Social class, using public information and checking abilities to your advantage is exactly what you should be doing. Again, while being a valid fakeclaim.
It literally doesn’t shut down night chat. Please read the post in its entirety.
He did. In order to avoid a guilty check you have to not speak. Thus the ability discourages talking much like how Snoop discourages private logs and princess discourages wild fake claims.