Priest(Blue Dragon Special)
Passive 1: Far away: Your abilities do not count as visits and you bypass visit prevention.
Passive 2: Ignore interruptions: You are (silently) immune against occupation and visit changing.
Day Ability 1:Faith:(1 use):You will be immune to conversion tonight.
Night Ability 1:Damnation (3 uses): Any ability used by your target this night gets a one-time cumulative cooldown of 2 nights if your target is Unseen, Cult or a Neutral Killer.
Night ability 2:Call Protector(unlimited Uses): If you die tonight your target will be converted into a Knight that is immune to other types of conversion until the end of next night. Your conversion will prevent all other conversion attempts. Unseen and Cult are not converted(nor are other conversion immune classes).
Converted classes:
The Dark Priest(Unseen Special)
Passive 1: Superiority: You do not turn into the Assassin automatically.
Day ability 1:Necessity(Unlimited uses):: Turn into the Assassin the following night. Unavaliable if there is an assassin.
Night ability 1:Dark Words(1 use) Convert someone into the Unseen if the Mastermind is dead.
The Blood Caller(Cult Special)
Night Ability 1:No resistance(1 use):The conversion of the Cult Leader will ignore Conversion Immunity(but not Occupation or visit prevention) tonight. Does not work on the King, or anyone who fulfilled their objective.
Night Ability 2: Blood Wall(1 use): Sacrifice yourself to (publicly) disable all Day Abilities tomorrow, ignoring Occupy immunity.