The Sentinel - Neutral Support
Passive: Shielded - You are death and occupy immune. If you are attacked or occupied the passive is removed until you use stand down. If this passive is active then you have your Shield. Otherwise you don’t.
Day ability 1: Prepare - Target player is prevented from visiting you. If they try you will kill them. (Unlimited)
Day ability 2: Intimidate - Target player uses their day ability on you if they have one. Cannot target the king.(3 uses)
Night ability 1: Dodge - Swap visitors between you and your target. (Unlimited)
Night ability 2: Stand Down - Killers cannot be prevented from killing you tonight. (Unlimited. 2 day cooldown)
Goal: End the game with your Shield
Hmmm. another CW? And also, winning the game seems awfully lucky since if you get attacked once you’re done for. You can’t really dictate aswell who’s gonna die at night compared to day, when you can talk to people to convince to kill you/your targets. This like a fool who wants to die at night, and the day abilities seem a bit random too. So I’m gonna say that the class wouldn’t be useful imo.
You are not done for if someone hits you. Stand down can give you your shield back.
That and Doge is only part of what tornado does and since this is a Neutral class he doesn’t care about it’s chaoticness.
Personally I would think of Intimidate as a proving tool and an investigation tool. If you know that someone is assassin then using prepare to stop him from attacking you is a good idea.
I like it
two mis-types: forgot the on between ability and you in the intimidate ability, and doge is supposed to be dodge.
Question: How does intimidate help you win?
I fixed the typos.
To your question there is 3 ways: 1, You can prove yourself with is (Should probably make it unusable on king). 2, You can get information out of the results. 3, Some Ability’s particularly mercs and Princes can be inherently useful.