[Class Suggestion] The Taskmaster

Hmm. There should be a unique faction as well.

One whose sole purpose is to watch the BD kill itself.

or just wait

itā€™s a terrible idea either way

Why? He wonā€™t tell anyone about who is unseen. That would be fair I thinkā€¦
Edit: Okey he would canā€™t accuse/speak and write in journal okey?

Actually no.

I was thinking everyone would work for himself.

if he was converted from Unseen to not Unseen he absolutely would tell people

How would he if he couldnā€™t speak and write in journal?

LOL I Writed too much answers as first day member so I will just edid this one:

Hmā€¦ Youā€™re right. This class wonā€™t have any rationale. :confused:

at this point if they canā€™t speak or write in their journal theyā€™re more useful to the BD dead anyway

speech 100

What if that role was part of the informed minority?

For the sake of balance I think the informed minority wonā€™t be converted.

I mean the converter.

Ah. I see. Everyone else starts with being evil.
And the converter has to convert everyone back.

Itā€™s literally a reverse Mastermind.

This is genius!


A witch.