[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

Your style doesn’t matter because you’re dying

ya except im not

Why does every mafia have to be as persistant as Leafia when they’re going to die/dying
Can’t you openwolf with class


Voted Voter Count
KyoDaz fourfourfourfour, Simon 2/4
Simon KyoDaz, Mist1422 2/4
Not voting Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan 2
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In the unlikely event Simon flips town I’m going to WIFOM my redirect

Also @PokemonKidRyan you can now vote Simon0

redirecting me is always a village loss in that scenario

I know that’s probably just going to make you want to do it anyway, so again, show of trust

why would i ever openwolf?
its a stupid move as any alignment.
if im a wolf its stupid as im just giving up the last vestiges of a chance i would have
and since im town its real stupid as that just makes yall hammer me

i see no reason to ever openwolf unless the game is already effectively over and the host refuses to end it.
which is not the case here.

because it’s fun and you’re dying anyway

yeah except im not going to die.
you might somehow choose to execute me, but that doesn’t mean ill die


Uh, okay
So you believe you can get away by WIFOMing lynch proof
DO you actually think that’ll ever help you

you know what, sure, I wanted to noyeet anyway sounds good

do i think it might prevent you guys from choosing to execute me when you otherwise would?
im just saying it like it is

i got a 1-shot bpv-like thing from the event.
it works during the day.

That’s absolutely bastard if you ever got that
And also you’re openwolfing by not claiming a 1-shot lynchproof as well

no im not

if you look back on when i was asked about it, i said that it ‘couldn’t possibly help us this day’ but that it may, if it were kept hidden.
it works during the day. it works at night too. if im targeted by the night-kill it absorbes that too.
and from my perspective at that point in time, it not being able to help us this day was fully true. because had you not killed hammerman, there was literally no other execution we could make than on you. it was actually impossible.
why do you think im saying it now, now that it can matter?

because you’re about to die as mafia and that’s your reason for not ‘open wolfing’ because you believe you can trick people with that absolutely absurd claim

even without this a wolf me would never openwolf here. as we know there are two wolves left.
if im a wolf then i know who the other one is, and i know that they could still win.

Vote Simon

I have faith in you Kyo.