[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

you need to ping cheese

Everybody should have bloody faith in me
I’ve just killed a mafia and cleared two town
I’m practically a deity at this point

Vote Simon


Voted Voter Count
KyoDaz fourfourfourfour, Simon 2/4
Simon KyoDaz, Mist1422, PKR 3/4


I love how there’s no “nOt A cOmPlEtE sEnTeNcE” on this post but if 1 3V3R TRY TO TYP3 4N 4CTU4L COMPL3T3 S3NT3NC3 L1K3 TH1S 1 C4NT

yes I have done that in the past

Oh boy.

Sorry for not being online before now. I didn’t expect we’d be in LyLo/MyLo already – Anyway, I read the thread and I’m honestly baffled right now. What are you people doing??

@fourfourfourfour @Mistyx @PokemonKidRyan come here please, this VC is weird as hell and you can’t convince me otherwise

Why us 3?

…Who else would there be? I want to talk about Simon and Kyo.

Well… Kyo is literally never scum here due to that shot.
I am almost never scum here because I could have hammered Kyo for the win.
It is known I was around at that time when I could have, therefore I do get mech confirmation due to it.

That’s the problem here. Wven when the threads weren’t combined, I was quite confident that Thread 1 had low scum presence. Mist & Simon have been high in my townreads for a while now, and if I can’t trust my reads that much, then I’ll be damned. I’m basically being told that my reads have been officially 100% shit and just… no. I refuse to believe that.

There were lots of things I thought were quite obvious when I scrolled through the thread, and apparently people have done a complete 180° from that. This is still MyLo, and the fact that 3 people are voting Simon makes him locktown in my eyes unless scum is trying to bus, which I heavily doubt. I’ll just straight up quote the things that made me question things

The power of backreading
Hammer's posts about Kyo & Simon

This. Why is literally everyone ignoring this? From what I understood, Kyo had already been mechanically confirmed scum even when we don’t take these into account. It doesn’t make sense for wolves to push for this kind of angle if Kyo were town, unless this is a pocket attempt, which is later disproved.

The interaction with Kyo and Hammer as well as the aftermath made me really confused, because I was already somewhat convinced Kyo was scum – mostly because Mist and Simon are always town in the worlds I see. I needed to read it over a second time, since that the only thing that seemingly confirmed Kyo, and I came to a conclusion that this was wolf theatre that went wrong.

KyoDaz/HammerMan interaction

First Hammer votes him without any reasoning and it’s the complete opposite of what he was saying earlier.

…And this is how Kyo responds. My biggest question here is: why Hammer instead of 4x4?

After he declares Hammer was shot and is apparently immune to death, he immediately goes to push the idea that Hammer & Simon are scum together; and he specifically starts to focus Simon, when he tries to ‘strife’ him. But then this happens.

This is clearly not something that they expected to happen, and the fact that no one else questions this at all and starts trusting Kyo immediately is alarming. This seems like it was supposed to ‘confirm’ Kyo, who was starting to get votes and was an outted wolf, and push the cuddle to Simon instead.

Again, Simon is still one of my top townreads along with Mist, and I don’t believe either of them are scum. 3 people are voting Simon and I’m not one of them, so there’s plenty of reason to think Simon has been being set up as a ML. Kyo was about to be voted out, and wolves only need one town to die. They have both been very consistent with pushing this idea throughout the whole day.

What an absolute waste of time, Appel

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Also; in the event that Appel forced a NL, I’m WIFOMing a redirect on Simon/Appel

You fail to realise I’m mechanically confirmed town


For Ryan: This is why I only pinged you three. It’s not useful to talk about someone to them, because all they do is push their own agenda


If I saw your soft correctly, target Kyo in this case

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To everyone else; please read that. In short, I don’t believe in Mist/Simon being scum and that’s why it’s literally impossible for me to buy into the agenda that both the dead wolf and Kyo have been pushing since the day started.

How am I not mech confirmed town when it was LYLO and I had a dayvig
Can you answer me that, please

I think my current stance is “we are either going to win or lose the game because this setup is dumb”