[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!


this game is dumb it’s either simon/PKR or simon/appel just yeet simon tbqh

That’s… a good point, to be fair. I haven’t tried to make any association reads regarding Kyo yet, since that wallpost was mostly just me pointing out things that didn’t sit right with me.

This is why Appel isn’t voting Simon
You do realise that

it’s not exactly the only possible reason but yes I am indeed strongly considering it

appel if you’re a villager you should probably idle tonight in case of noyeet/simon town flip

thing I pinged you with above is if noyeet/simon town flip by the way

note that I do not know your night action but I don’t want anything weird with redirection

… Why would you not want me to redirect the factional


That’s fair enough. But the thing is, it CAN’T be a Simon town flip because the moment that happens, the game would end and wolves would win. Which is why I’m so adamant about my opinion, since that’s what both Hammer and Kyo have pushed since the beginning. And now that I voiced my doubts about it and don’t want to vote Simon, he discredits me by treating me like I’m an outted wolf (which he, by the way, didn’t do with you when you didn’t want to vote Simon)


you go ahead and redirect

appel should idle if they’re a villager so they don’t accidentally like save a wolf or vig a villager via redirection

it’s not lylo, it’s mylo

iirc the night still plays out

I am going to.
You did see it correctly.

Oh? I see.
But in that case, wouldn’t it be better for me to not idle? If a villager dies during the night, it’s game over. I can save a villager and possibly kill a wolf.

no, because you’re going to get redirected anyway

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I mean

I guess it doesn’t really matter that much but like

idk do whatever

How many people does this apply to?
Kyo can redirect. You can do this. Chem knows what I can do.

Well, I hope it doesn’t apply to too many. Otherwise it’d be chaos.
Anyway, I’ve made my case. Unless there’s something to discuss other than Kyo yelling at me about how I’m an openwolfer for not voting Simon, I’ll be going now. We should discuss night action things later at EoD or a bit earlier.

I don’t think there is anything to discuss

I’m going to be slightly disappointed if there aren’t any posts by the time I wake up tomorrow morning


if simon is a lost wolf, what does that mean?

appel has to be the groupscum right

I guess if wolf!PKR knows there’s a lost wolf in the game he could have not hammered Kyo

But then why does he vote simon?