[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

So final 7, eh?
Not only that but we are in LyLo with strifes and events disabled?
That was quite the night.

anything notable to add

Also I may have a gamer night plan but it requires absolute trust and coordination and I don’t think we’re capable of those

Us, absolute trust and coordination?
We are BtM buds of COURSE we can.

well im waiting on kyo. like i said i want some agreed upon evidence first.
well i suppose it is lylo.

aaaagh sorry my parents just got home as i posted that. i have to help them bring stuff in

I mean fair but I need like literally everyone to be on board

Plus if Appel is a wolf it’s probably a waste of time

Can you remind me of your experience with homestuck?

Actually this is probably a good question for everyone

well you probably already know for me but i read through it all.

well almost all
havent quite read through candy just yet.

but regardless, im fairly familiar with the series. know most of the characters and can recognize some details. its been a bit so i might forget a thing or two though

anyway, my thing

uh, hammerman is really likely to be scum. either the claimvig themselves, or someone on their scumteam.
originally had this though when i was catching up at one point. they totally went flavor fishing a time or two throughout the thread.
and with a claimvig in the works, thats quite no bueno.
only way i can really see them being town is if they are a/the claimvig, and are just a town claimvig.

were votes not locked for some reason, i would vote them now

can you cite some examples and is that something you noticed from anyone else

tbf this started as just a tinfoil that i happened to keep to myself. except as time went on it just seemed more and more likely to me. im not fully sure the exact reasons why im thinking this so clearly now, but i apparently am.

and can @clonedcheese please update the op with who’s alive and who’s not? even if it doesnt have when/how they died it would be useful to know exactly who’s still alive

in thread two admittedly i didnt fully read through it, so im not sure.
in thread 1, i dont really remember other people doing things like that so i dont think so.

its around when i said ‘hot take: appel town’ that i realized their flavor, and so thats why i recognized it when i saw hammer get the flavor they were looking for from appel. here if you give me a moment i’ll quote it

if you had the same flavor read on them as me why do you think they survived?

If Marshal were to successfully heal a player, would their death be announced?

cause they’re similar to examples we’ve seen. but stronger.
if that makes sense.

but there’s no reason it should be stronger