[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

kyo said that they had information saying there was a claim vig in thread 2.
in my theory, they were not lying when they said this. its was false, but they were not lying.
there was just a misconception somewhere. kyo or cloned, doesnt really matter, but it was somewhere.
perhaps clone wasnt clear about how the information meant any thread, and kyo assumed it meant in thread two due to abilities only targeting within one’s own thread. maybe cloned messed it up and was incorrect. maybe kyo wasn’t expressly told it, and simply made a deduction, and it turned out to be false
or maybe kyo simple mis-spoke, and knew that their information meant any thread, and cloned said as much, and either intentionally or not said something else

like i said it matters not though

can i just say, votes locking in lylo like this is really bs.
i get having the option to lock one’s vote being a thing, so players can be like ‘it has to be this, x, y, z, and for those reasons, im out’
but i really dont like enforcing it. it just makes optimal play to have a non-voting discussion and to come to an agreement of who to execute before anyone votes.

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/vote Kyo @clonedcheese


Voted Voter Count
KyoDaz fourfourfourfour, Simon 2/4

I think it’s usually done so scum can quickhammer without worrying about getting outed via unvote

yeah okay
but in that case quick hammering shouldnt be how scum wins

just vote the wolves lul

look theres not much we can do now
not entirely sure, but rn im thinking that we’ve won.
so can we just get there please?
@Mistyx @PokemonKidRyan @Appelsiini
could a couple of you please vote kyo? 4x4, a confirmed town, already voted them so we’re kinda locked in anyways
(not pinging hammer since they soulread kyo so i dont think they’d vote)

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You just said you were uncertain if I was town or not and then this post you imply that I am town. Almost TMI?

I agree.

Please avoid hammering KyoDaz until HammerMan and PokemonKidRyan post though. I want to see their thoughts on non KyoDaz related topics.

:man_facepalming: no.
im saying. you are confirmed town. the fact that kyo is not immediately hammered means either you are them are almost definitely scum .
but your confirmed. so kyo is almost definitely scum.
but regardless, we’re locked in. you voting kyo made it so the only execution town can make is kyo

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There is the possibility that scum are not awake yet.

that is the ‘almost’ in almost definitely
its like i speak like this for a reason

Work sucks

hammer, i know you had a soul read on kyo. but we’re locked in now since 4x4, notably a confirmed town, voted them.
so can you just vote them to speed us up?
we can discuss this all in the post game

/Vote Kyo

Four is confirmed town but I’m pretty sure we just lose here

If you are to say something like this then you are to explain it too

I think today one of the biggest things to go off is people who were against voting Kyo and instead tried to think up other votes such as myself.

So I will need to look over those but I can clearly see intent.