[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

mason with bleeds isnt weak imo

esp since you got modconfirmed mason lol

literally anything that isn’t negative utility with mason is in no way weak
just masonry itself is extremely powerful

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I like how Appel basically thought the best option was to claim Wolf and then kill themself.

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congratulations you somehow made it worse

heh, gg ez.

I was not a mason as we were not in a chat together. We simply had N0s on each other. The modconfirm part was a bit wacky and was something I did not expect. I thought my name would be redacted when Ash flipped but I’m not complaining.

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does another game start now, or no?

Some classes were absolutely busted, no getting around that.

Apparently FoL 29 does

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Also I’m just saying

This is why not claiming is actually viable

But you see

On this site

haha claim printer go brrrr


Me being a Miller just
spewed that anticlaim was in play
So I decided to warn everyone of it immediately
Then for some reason I thought I actually had that information and began townreading Apprentice for having n0 mech info

just don’t claim LOL

FYI scum actually tried to claimvig apprentice, but apprentice was immune to the fucking claimvig

We try saying that

It never works :^)

the lying darkness wins

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due to the lack of claimvig evidence I just assumed there was a straight-up lying darkness for a bit

It’s why I didn’t claim when simon asked

Tbf we had a straight up chronomancer

But uh

mafia-aligned lying darkness