[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

This was one of my most disappointing but best town games in a while.
I’m burned out. Oh dear.

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deadchat was fun to read

kyo getting mad at me interacting with simon when I had no intention of not voting him lul

people: burnt out
queue: yo, I heard you like big games


I had no clue what you were doing
At least you voted Simon in the end

lessons learned

  • don’t lie as town without good reason and don’t stick with it too long
  • don’t vote in lylo until everyone posts unless you have like, a red check (or in this case, someone claimed the same role that a dead wolf did)
  • omgus is not an essential part of a townie’s diet
  • claiming is overrated
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Like I said I was always voting Simon

I was just talking to him because I was bored and had nothing better to do pretty much

Host Rant

mainly at myself

  1. rolecard confusion, especially with Kyo’s card (redirections visit apparently) and mode’s card (weird passive)
  2. …At one point Simon converted Appel, but I thought I realized that they were in different threads after I had given the invite. Brought an early-morning meltdown
  3. telling people wrong things and having typos

…case 1 of why i needed a cohost


My design philosophy for this game was “how much can I get away with”
Hence the infinite bus driver, lynchcop, and guiltless vig
I focused more on the flavor rather than the balance so there’s that ;-;
…I’d like to apologize to Zone for the underpowered role
…I’d also like to apologize to sulit for the shitty presentation during review, which probably made the review process much harder

Flips & LyLo

reeeeeeeee I needed a cohost
I had no idea how things worked
I had no idea of things to look out for
I had no idea of interactions with LyLo

Plz rate:

  1. Host’s hosting skills (VCs, conduct, etc)
  2. Balance (roles)
  3. Mechanics

14 stairs

kinda wack ngl


Ayyy we won!

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town actually won a game


Me: town u lose if you mislynch me
Town: watch me
Me: wait n
Town: mislynches me and wins


also I’m sad I died so early. I even said I was happy about my role.

@clonedcheese definitely want to play another game you host, as long as balance ain’t as wacc.


the what



Hold on, what was Zone’s role?

It’s okay

you should just double check more and think about every possible action

Avoid the following roles in the future

Infinite Shot Guitless Dayvig
Innocent Child + Masons
Apprentice’s role which is clearly not fun to play
Underpowered NK, or NK at all to be honest

Events are fine
I’m not a big fan

Splits thread are okay but it should be more important that
“Oh I got bled d1 I sure better hope the doctor is on this side otherwide I die”

In this game imo they shouldn’t exist because kill power is high enough already

Maybe more players also


deathproof (minus yeets) 2-shot rampager

there was also an executioner specifically for him that was informed of this role and a yeetcop on his thread that could essentially parity check three people


god damn that’s bad.

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For example Kyo’s night action which was a big ?? concerning PGO