[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

well, i will say thats not how i got those numbers.
my lower bound was 10, and my thinking for that was like, there are 8 people, so 1 out of 8 is 12.5%, but im thinking they’re not choosing randomly so they’ll want to target certain people, and appel doesnt really feel like someone i think they’d think they need to target, so i bumped it down a bit
as for upper bound, idk like i said it was mainly intuition. i wouldnt take those numbers seriously now, its more of a way to get your head to start wrapping around it, than it is to get an accurate reading.
euler guesstimates or something, i think they’re called

No, I am not. Since this is LYLO I can safely say that I am a PGO.

i’m gonna take that claim at face value but now my head more than slightly hurts

4444 since you’re confirmed town I believe your reads will prove quite helpful

where are you at on everyone

I’m backreading thread 1. KyoDaz seems to be outed scum with his “mechanical info” so I think an execute on him is fine. Appelsiini might also be a good vote but I need to read more and it’s unlikely to be better than KyoDaz. Possibly good tomorrow assuming KyoDaz flips mafia.

cool cool

we’re just waiting on kyo and appel to check in now right

quick leadsrist


No this isn’t happening

@clonedcheese Would a player in thread 1 be able to kill a player in thread 2 during night 2 AKA last night?

And why is that?

Kyo is just town

And why is that?

Soul read

God tier reads

I do not think softing mechanical information while saying that you can read him perfectly will change the fact that KyoDaz said with certainty that there is a claimvig in thread 2 yet one has not flipped.

kyo literally has been confirmed to have lied about mech info

do you have like a cop check on him or something

No mech info

Please be aware that there is 3 scum alive as it is LYLO. Are you claiming that everyone else is scum or are you also accusing Mist of being scum too? Please explain your so called “soul read.”

Anyways gtg back to work

Good explanation.

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