Community Roast Mafia

Community Roast Mafia

Blue Dragon


Blue Dragon Killer
Evolve (Passive) - The first 3 nights you may not perform an action. From N4-N6 you have access to your first Night Ability. From N7-N9 you have access to your second Night Ability. If you reach N10 without using Gain Empathy you commit suicide.
Gain Empathy (Day) - Stop evolving. - 1 use.
Deep Wolf (Night) - Occupy and Bleed target. - Infinite uses.
Scumread (Night) - Kill all visitors to target player. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Investigative
What Happened (Passive) - Every time you use an ability you lose access to your ability. Once you use all your abilities you must google translate everything you say into Swahili.
Deduced (Day) - Discover if there are more than two pairs of non-unique classes. If there are, this game must be bastard and you must complain about this for the remainder of the day. - Infinite use.
Luck (Day) - Discover the alignment of a random player. - Infinite uses.
Occasionally Decent (Night) - See who target player visits, and who visits them. - Infinite uses.
#Balanced (Night) - Discover if target is a Lost Scum. If they are, they are informed of all the Lost Scum and converted into a random Neutral Killer from the FoL classcards. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Support
Budget Version (Passive) - Once Firekitten dies you automatically become Firekitten.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Killer
Ragequit (Passive) - You always have SALT yourself, which can you use during the day as normal.
OMGUS (Day) - If a player with SALT votes you, instantly kill them. - 2 uses
Spread Salt (Night) - Give a player some SALT. They are informed. They can voluntarily commit suicide at any point during any following day. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Citizen
Literally (Passive) - You have no ability. All invest results come back as “Target has no ability”.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Investigative
Honesty (Passive) - N1 you are informed of the scum-team and every non-town aligned player’s exact role. Your next 3 games of FoL you will roll your favorite classtype, Blue Dragon Killer.
Mislynched (Day) - If you are lynched today your hammer’s alignment is revealed - 3 uses.
We Already Know (Night) - Inform someone that Wolfy is your boyfriend. If they give no response they are a class which lives in the Castle. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Note: Every single Class lives in the Castle.


Blue Dragon Offended
Anger (Passive) - You always have SALT.
Sequels Are Fun (Night) - Attempt to convince a player to join Siege of Xed XVI. They flee, occupying them. - Infinite uses.
Breakdown (Night) - Leave the castle. All visits you to you will fail. - 2 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Support
Under-confident (Passive) - All investigative actions targeting you will receive the same feedback as if they targeted any citizen class.
She protecc (Night) - Heal and occupy a player - Infinite uses. 1 night cool-down.
Too weak to attacc (Night) Prevent any killer types from visiting you. - 2 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Investigative
Know it all (Passive) - You are informed of the identity of everyone who visits you. Every person who visits you reduces the number of votes to bring you to trial by one. If you are put on trial you are instantly executed.
Reaction Test (Night) - Do a shitty test which will certainly be on a Blue Dragon who you tunnel for the whole game. Discover if your target is a member of the Blue Dragon. - 2 uses.
Troll (Night) - Discover if your target has killed anyone. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Social
Anime PFP (Passive) - I do think having an oddly sexualised image of a young girl as your PFP is slightly odd. I know that might be linked to the general culture of anime but it always made me kinda uncomfortable. Couldn’t think of a way to make this an ability, sorry.
:3 (Night) - Add player to your night chat. - Infinite uses.
;D (Night) - Remove player from your night chat. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Social
F (Passive) - N2 you commit Suicide. This cannot be healed.
Always Right (Passive) - You are revealed as SoulShard at the start of the game.
OG Caesar (Night) - Decide the lynch for D2.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Offended
AtE (Passive) - If you are on trial you must swear in every single post.
Whine (Night) - Force target player to target yourself tonight. - Infinite uses.
Wine (Night) - Silently Poison Marluxion. You will have to replace out the the following night, and it is your responsibility to find a replacement. If you fail to do so Blue Dragon loses. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Blue Dragon Support
Ignored (Passive) - You take one less vote to be hammered to trial. You are always executed when on trial, unless Caesar is used.
Surprisingly Accurate (Night) - Heal a player. If they are Scum you die. - Infinite uses.
Only Active When Scum (Night) - Select 2 targets. Redirect all visits to your first target to your second. You keep this ability when converted, and can not use it before you are converted. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Scum, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Scum Special
AtE (Passive) - When on trial you must swear in every single post.
D0 xD (Passive) - D0 you may convert one player into Lost Scum.
Moderror (Day) - Your target will receive incorrect feedback tonight. - Infinite uses.
If I do then so must you (Night) - Convert a player to the Scum as a Lost Scum. Their type depends on class type. Your first attempt on any player always fails. The second attempt on the same player is always successful, apart from Neutral Killers and Marluxion who are convert-immune. There is no limit to the number of Lost Scum there can be. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Lost Scum Investigative
SCUM (Passive) - If you are the oldest Lost Scum you will become Icibalus. You do not know who Icibalus is or any other Lost Scum.
Mod Powers (Passive) - As long as you are alive Honesty is disabled. You keep this passive even if your class changes. You are informed if PokemonKidRyan is in the game.
Can (Night) - Discover players class. Icibalus will be informed. Has a 20% chance to block them. - Infinite uses. 1 Night-cooldown.
Olddog (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses. 1 Night-cooldown.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Lost Scum Social
SCUM (Passive) - If you are the oldest Lost Scum you will become Icibalus. You do not know who Icibalus is or any other Lost Scum.
Poor Fellow (Passive) - If you are executed by the court you may kill one player on your wagon and all Lost Scum are informed of who each other are.
Foolish (Night) - You will frame yourself tonight, and will appear to be a member of the Scum faction to investigative classes. - 2 uses
Privilege (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses. 1 Night-cooldown.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Scum Offensive
[This classcard was redacted as the number of swears in it would have alerted the system.]
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Note: All Killer and Offended classes are converted into Celeste.


Lost Scum Support
SCUM (Passive) - If you are the oldest Lost Scum you will become Icibalus. You do not know who Icibalus is or any other Lost Scum.
Seems Legit (Day) - Complain to your target that people think you are a girl when you chose a girls name. Any investigations on your target are reversed. - 2 Uses.
Hard Worker (Night) - Your target is immune to death, redirection, and occupation for the night. - Infinite Uses.
5.5/10 (Night) - Kill a player - Infinite uses. 1 Night-cooldown.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Lost Scum Citizen
Literally (Passive) - You have no ability. All invest results come back as “Target has no ability”.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Neutral Killer
Untouchable (Passive) - You are immune death at night. The first time you are lynched you will be revived 2 nights later.
Please Like Me (Day) - Prevent target from targeting you for the rest of the game. - 3 uses.
:sunglasses: (Night) - Kill your target. Anyone visiting your target will be poisoned. - Infinite uses.
Australian (Night) - The next day-phase will be skipped. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Scum and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Neutral Killer
Join and be AfK (Passive) - You are immune to death, occupation, and redirection at night.
Ironic (Day) - Bleed a player who has posted less than you - Infinite use .
Wasting Time (Night) - Kill A Player. - Infinite uses.
Why Bother? (Night) - Commit Suicide. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Scum and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Neutral Social
Superiority Complex (Passive) - You can never be King.
Chosen! (Day) - Be voted to represent the FoL Community in Mafia Championships. Only usable after becoming King. - 1 use
Reference Other Site (Night) - Your vote will count as triple for tomorrow - 4 uses
Objective: Become King and represent the FoL Community in the Mafia Championships.


Neutral Support
Dig (Passive) - You are a Mole.
Your objective is to become human again.


Neutral Killer
Generic (Passive) - At the end of every night you switch between Solic and Sarun. This is totally random.
Solic (Night) - Kill a player bypassing healing and protection. - Infinite uses.
Sarun (Night) - Kill a player bypassing protection and healing. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Scum and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Neutral Citizen
Literally (Passive) - You have no ability. All invest results come back as “Target has no ability”.
Your objective is to survive.


Neutral Killer
Generic (Passive) - At the end of every night you switch between Solic and Sarun. This is totally random.
Solic (Night) - Kill a player bypassing healing and protection. - Infinite uses.
Sarun (Night) - Kill a player bypassing protection and healing. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Scum and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Note: Not a mistake.



Unkown Special
Protected (Passive) - A random protective class will be redirected to you each night.
Abuse (Passive) - Your vote counts as double. You are not allowed to read the FoL Changes Thread ever again.
Caesar (Day) - Decide the Fate of the accused. You can only do this if everysingle other person disagrees with your decision. - 1 use.
Mislynch (Day) - Day-vig a target, ending the day. If they are a different alignment to yourself the game is instantly canned as it breaks all laws of time and space. - 2 uses.
Shepherd (Night) - Target must vote as you do tomorrow. - Infinite uses.
Newbie (Night) - Annoint a successor. If you die they shall become King. - 1 use.
Your objective is dependent on your alignment.

Note: Spawn rates are as follows - 75% Scum, 20% Neutral, 5% Blue Dragon.


Unkown Unkown

Class List:

Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon/Random Neutral
Random Blue Dragon/Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Neutral Killer

(If it wasn’t super obvious this a joke, not meant to be balanced. Still more balanced than Xed tho. Also no one get your panties in a twist please. K thanks bye, take care guys.)


So who’s hosting this


also sorry Hippo

we’re hosting it

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On it

why am i not here

We add you

or maybe because he made it right before you came back?

@Hippolytus fucking fix this or i ban you from my minecraft server

1 Like


1 Like

wait so he basically does nothing?

1 Like


lol this is accurate



I should stop spamming lol

Does my pfp resemble sexuality in any kind tho 3:


What are you laughing at

Maybe… I don’t know?
Ohnoes :3

This is pretty good

Too bad Hippo didn’t put himself in here

A Neut Cit, huh?

Looks like it

I’m surprised you weren’t the Knight variant though

o wow im not an nk for once