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but trumpets



Pokemon Clover has the best music :^)

did it manage to turn the annoying “i’m gonna die” beep into the most stressful song since Drowning?

No it removed the beep

It has an unironically good OST so :eyes:

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my favorite video game OST

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I was expecting a rickroll

Is this where I unironically post my favorite game OST.

To be honest all the soundtrack in that game is brilliant.

I just remembered this exists

okay fine

i might finally play that when ps5 launches
cause demon souls remake and blood borne, guess i gotta finally buy a sony system again

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Bloodborne is a wonderful game all around, would absolutely recommend to anyone.
The lore is top tier as well, if you decide to dive into it.

Also stake driver is the best weapon.

No wonder ans likes it

It’s bloodborne :^)

I don’t own a PS4 but have played bloodborne

My favorite moment was when I forgot the controls, so instead of throwing a pebble I fired my gun into a group of enemies :eyes:

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Pebbles are underrated/underappreciated.

If you finished it, favorite boss?

Didn’t finish it unfortunately

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When I actually did play it I had very little experience with dark souls/bloodborne style games so

I died alot

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Yeah, you need some time to get used to controls and fps. But it becomes easier with time.

Also for some reason I like Dark Souls series a lot less than Bloodborne.