Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

Clearly the solution is to just stay Napoleon’s double forever.

the solution

is this


ok now I sleep

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the real solution is steal a vulgard pfp

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I want to unsee this.

Also I already got yelled at by Chloe when I was messing around with Vulgard’s pfp.
You are next.

chloe cant hurt me

I think her spamming you with ‘ayaya’ would be worse than hurting you :^)

i can hurt her more than any ayaya can eeeeeeeeeeeeeffect me

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In Germany school is obligatory for at least 9 years, homeschooling is forbidden. We still have 9% analphabets. 50% of them are immigrants.
Still… Around 5% of people who go to school for at least 9 years still can’t read fluently.
I guess, if you spent 9 years of your life not learning to read, they will never be able to learn it.

14% of the adults in the US can’t read, so you should believe them if they say they can’t read

the sources I’m looking at all say the U.S. has a literacy rate of 99%

where are you getting the 14 percent statistic from

i mean im her daughter so its a fair assessment

99%??? That is completely impossible.
Wait… which definition are you using?

[…] literacy refers to the percentage of people age 15 or older who can read and write.

this is admittedly a somewhat ambiguous definition

Oh… heck. Cultural differences.
When Germans speak of Illiteracy, they usually mean functional illiteracy.

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Functional illiteracy means, you may be able to read, but you are not able to understand longer texts

someone probably is going to say something related to technology, but I’ll approach this from a different angle
Just as teamwork is an important part of jobs nowadays (this is from second hand source), it is not improbable that networking will become an essential skill even earlier on for people.

otherwise, it’s difficult to know
Coding obviously will become a more important skill

Interesting one I’d note is that I believe the importance of video editing at an amateur level will decrease as a byproduct of current social media platforms and the like
I spent more than a few long winded discussions with my video editing teacher on the topic