Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

huh, apparently octopus are just like us
an octopus escaped its tank, walked across a hallway and threw a piece of shrimp at its caretaker because it was expired
that is some human level pettiness

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of course
interesting maneuver

in the distant future, all communication is carried out through games of forum mafia


there is no more war and unhappines
there is only 2-shot bulletproof 15% dayvigges

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so we just go ooga booga?

well shit

conversation without accusations of treason is merely a whisper in the minds of those who remember a time before the townbloc

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town winning is the darkest timeline
scum winning is the only good ending

long live the Unseen

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1,000 player mafia games with approximately 6 factions of 50 wolves each are the new standardised setup

please god no
anything but

multiball is retired as a term because all mafia games are now multiball
yeah that’s right this timeline is getting dark

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I’d question why you’re still awake, but you probably have asked that question to yourself at some point and are likely (?) to have an answer
therefore, I will only post a sensible “meme” comment in order to cap off this self creating tangent of a post


Social skills will be more common, thanks to the fact that most autists will not be born anymore.

in terms of actual predictions of the future

a skill that is useless now but will become unbelievably useful in the future will be the ability to detect broken pieces of level geometry

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something something VR MMOs something

VR will probably always be somewhat niche due to space requirements

I, too, will learn how to BLJ easily to phase through countless walls and other obstacles

arete is still awake because you forgot to give them permission to sleep

you monster
