Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

Ah… I see. You didn’t have to leave because of one bad game though?

@KyoDaz you killed me you bully

The fake noble mech clears screwed me over
The King wasn’t doing anything so I poisoned him

King was obv gk though

That was almost as bad as my vigi on Ici

Kudos to 11! I thought we’d lost it the moment THREE NEUTS DIED by D2!

Crazy play by 11

I didn’t even know half of the things that happened in that game. I just kept following orders to a certain extent, and nobody pressed me on why I checked 4!

What if we just do
“Random poster before 4000 gets a cookie”

So theres no mega-spam trying to get a cookie
Makes forums die

Also; I really didn’t know that Sheriff if not unique. So… whoops.

Zone, were you 14??

Fine by me. I’m up for RNG.

Yes I was. This time I made a screenshot, so… you were 13 the Chrono.

…what happened in that game? I couldn’t follow most of it at all!

Y’all playin’ ToL?

…Wifi being garbo
there’s no ToL for mobile, is there?


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Yep. I had enough after that last match though.
As expected, Real Time games is still too much for me.

Im gunna hop on in a few mins

I’m going to be super rusty

Yeah its very different from FM lmao



If you don’t claim Mystic as scum I’m going to be disappointed in you.