Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie


which is dumb

It’s somehow more immortal than virtuous Arbiter

it is not dumb

its not not dumb

it is good design

The true sign of a good design – a class that surpasses Arbiter.

it literally cannot die can it

the prince can kill it i think

Kat this is grand idea
Deal with it :^)

including by execution.

death at all times

You… You made this.

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or just anything that bypasses death immunity

I did make it

it didnt take very look to do so




the napoleon army has arrived

one of these is not like the other

i do not know what you’re talking about

But that’s factually incorrect, because you are BestBird.

I just got kicked midgame lmao
ToL is fun


is this sarcastic

Well thats true and all, Im still dat

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