Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie


bitch better have my money

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a thing I think about sometimes is like

in Modern™ Times™ literacy is a skill that it’s … generally acknowledged everyone will have? like obviously this varies somewhat by country but the global literacy rate is ~86 percent and if some random adult in the US told you ‘hi I can’t read’ you probably wouldn’t believe them

and obviously it hasn’t always been that way, most people underestimate historical literacy rates but not by all that much, but you don’t have to go back all that far for reading to be a weird unusual skill a fair number of places


the thing this makes me wonder is, like, what skills in the modern era are going to turn out to be the equivalent? what skills are considered esoteric now, but in the future will be expected of ~everyone who wants to be a participant in society?


i’ve spent the past 10 minutes thinking about this

i’ve got nothing

I don’t even know what this means

I feel dumb


epic forum mafia skills final answer

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  1. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
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would you say that the definition of esoteric is esoteric

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I could go for the gamer answer and say working 3d printers

because i’m one of the people who knows how to work them and I think they may eventually become less of a novelty (they can do a lot but right now this is how most people see them) and more of a common household object

especially as they get cheaper

but this is like a classic answer and part of the reason i’m saying it is because I wanna feel special


i’ve gotten my worth with the one I have imo

all of my combs are 3d printed and a few replacement parts for things i’ve designed and 3d printed (fixed my dad’s car phone mount that was $90 alone)

in the end i’ve probably spent more on design software + filament + printer than i’ve actually saved but part of that is because I was using a lot of filament on shudders fidget spinners when those were cool

although I did sell some so actually i’ve probably broke around even


good parenting skills



Probably something related to operating high end technology with our advancement levels.
It’s already somewhat happening, but I would expect more complicated devices to become ‘mandatory’ in future, even if a lot of current design seems to be dumbed down/simplified (i.e. phones/browsers/apps).
Maybe it will just be programming becoming widespread instead of some kind specialized tools/high end machines.

Unless, of course, some global catastrophe happens and wipes humankind off the face of Earth. Which is what might happen given how 2020 has been going so far.
To clarify, this is a joke.


you say this is a joke but are you confident it’s inaccurate

I mean I don’t mind it happening.
The faster I die the better.

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Uh, I just realized that it came out and sounded 10 times darker than I intended it to.
Don’t mind me, 10 AM and all.


was there a world where that wasn’t very dark :eyes:

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no ans wrong bad :newspaper_roll:

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It was meant to be more of a self-deprecating half-joke but I made it sound like I literally want to die asap.

that’s still a worrying half-joke even with context but it’s at least better

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The last thing you should be doing is worrying about me lol.

you have such a negative outlook towards yourself and I don’t like to see that when you are a cool person

even if you weren’t a cool person I’d still be worried by your mindset but the fact that you are cool makes me dislike these types of posts even more :frowning:


That’s heartwarming.
I still don’t know what I did to deserve the status of a cool person though.

But really, there’s no need to worry. Things are good right now and most of the stuff I say isn’t serious at all.

Also, my turn to say that I hope all of you present (and even those that aren’t) are doing okay. You all are pretty interesting and enjoyable to hang around with.
There’s a reason I had 4k posts in the old thread after all.