Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

“Comuwunity guide”

i thought i accidenetally said dat instead of kat and i was like oh no

thats better imo

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i would have never talked to you again

oh well i see how it is


oh fuck im sorry dat


no problemo

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The real meme would be Darkstalker spawning while the court discourages openclaiming and holds off until ~D3.
It did happen in 61 so I could see it happening again especially if I don’t roll scum :^)

is the darkstalker like

weaker with claims?

No, it obliterates openclaiming.


aanticlaim good

I don’t think it has such a prominent effect that people will not mass claim

But uh

Saideffect is dangerous so :eyes:

Claim D2 as Drkstalker, usually people will follow.

Yes but I prefer to discourage openclaiming in general.

Obviously don’t claim non-town since that’d be doomb.

Open claim Oneiromancer as NK :^)

Survivor Alchemist Oneiromancer here guys.
But I’m actually a Resurrectionist.
Who is actually a Prince equivalent :^)

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