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Eat pancakes with salt ez.

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yeah but that wasnt the point i was fighting

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It’s like comparing diet mountain dew to mountain dew
At least to me

I put three tablespoons of sugar in my cereal whenever I have cereal
Which is very rarely actually

Fair, i never read the whole convo

I think I got diabetes just from reading this post.


i was just saying it was healthier than the sugared version

I put four tablespoons of sugar into my sugar.

The chemical stuff which replaces the sugar isn’t necessarily better

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True, i dont know the specifics

Diet coke is much worse for your health than regular coke, after all

Oh yeah
I feel very sick after drinking pepsi max
I just can’t drink it

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Normal Coke dehydrates me to hell somehow
The only soft/fizzy drink that doesn’t dehydrate me and make me feel sick is Irn Bru, tbh

well true i dont what they suppliment it for, but I was assuming just no sugar/sugar supplements. Tbh I guess thats ignorant, but I didn’t care that much to check

basically this ^

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All memery aside, I think last time I used sugar was in the autumn because I was baking pastry.
And I don’t manually add it to other foods ever.

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I’m pretty sure a certain sweetener was theorised to be a carcinogen. I can’t remember though.

Yeah, I also get my robot slave to do that for me.

If it doesn’t taste bitter A.F., there’s got to be something


I saw Intensify typing and for a moment I was excited about Napoleon being around.