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You were never Cult to begin with, fool.

Then you just not have drunken enough alcohol sorts yet
There are some really good tasting red wines imo
But some german beer is really good as well

cult has a sponsored drink

its called blood

How come Ans likes tea more than blood when he is the Cult Leader

It’s a cult not a vampire

the cult’s sponsered drink is the juice boxes mommy brings down into the basement in the middle of the playdate

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cults don’t drink blood right

they just uh

sac people

false rumors
support real unseen drink


@Chloe, the wine connoisseur, please tell us your opinion

hi i like wine

but its usually cheap because im cheap

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Blood is used for ceremonies, have I taught you nothing?
Wine is our sponsored drink.

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now that I think of it isn’t the cult leader literally holding a glass of blood

Cloned is local drink dealer… he give you the good liquids if you know what I mean

I drink blood
mostly my own tho

I am drinking WATER

interesting maneuver

wait is extra small text disabled?

oh god

yes it is

i cant go smaller

fun ruined

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oh darn

I don’t sack people personally
I can people