Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

How do you manage 3k posts, Marshal
I’m 1.5k and feel like I’ve been posting a lot in it

that’s even worse then there’s no fun in trying to cookiesnipe


I do not… do other things

I just post in cookie

yeah but cookie sniping fucking KILL the forums

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Honestly, it’s more of a “I like the people who frequent the thread and don’t talk with them anywhere else” combined with “I don’t play in any games so I can’t spend time playing together with them either”.

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It just kills all discussion and turns into spam.

gg guys

Welp. That was disappointing.

Sucks you got converted n1 Zone

Hey uh… I skipped the results. Who were you and cheese?

Aye. As Sheriff at that.

I was the Phys who gamesolved in dead chat lol

Arcaelin I think

Were you… Uh… Nope. I forgot already.

Join the lobby

Anyhow, terrible AFK EK and 2nd MM couldn’t convert because of bad wifi.


Yeah that sucked :frowning:

are you guys still gonna play
I can play ToL

Our current lobby is 14/16